Friday, January 28, 2005

They Call It Greyhound Therapy!

This is a special note today to blogging buddy Kevin Barbieux in Nashville Tennessee.

Kevin writes: "WTF!" Everyone else is getting a bunch of money from HUD while Nashville's homeless budget is being cut.

Kevin Barbieux (the homeless guy)

Kevin, that's what we here in the South refer to as "Greyhound therapy." Simply put, in order to make sure places like Nashville (and Huntsville, AL by the way, which gets a grossly less disproportionate amount of HUD money to help the homeless population), remain clean and pure for their Country music tourists, or the generally white collar population, they shift funding to other areas and politely make sure the undesirables know where the Greyhound bus station is. In some cases, they will actually purchase the ticket for you, so you too can go live in Birmingham or Mobil, or wherever it is in Tennessee they send them.

By definition, by the way, Greyhound therapy isn't legal, and once the ole ball gets rolling, the whole community has a tendency to join it. They call it "acting in concert." Which by definition is conspiracy, and in context, also not legal.

Needless to say, this creates all sorts of dribble down effects. Before long, you have got yourself a full scale extermination program, hence one reason the current administration has been referred to as "Bush-a-Nazi." In the past they called it the Holocaust.

In my opinion, sorry for your toes, they ought to abolish ALL homeless services. People who need assistance under the ADA should get it. People with disabilities should be accommodated.

But the engine that the charity services thrive on, also provides the excuse to guide people into crime, who are a disproportionate share of the people needing assistance, as they come out of prison.

Mental illness is also a great excuse to deny employment, and create more fodder for the homeless system. Of course, causing symptoms, for a variety of reasons, is no new trick, and MOST people who are in that category probably have no inherent problem at all.

And, a special note to "W." Your "non-discussion" dismissal of Bernie Carrot, in the underground light of the tasor assault program of children for prosylitizing, isn't likely to actually provide consoling sublimation for the ones who figure it out...hello California.

From there, anyone who is genuinely on hard times, can and should live in whatever greenspaces are available in the central city, and when the excrement gets deep enough, the local business community will feel the pressure to offer employment that pays well enough to survive.

Temporary services should be far more tightly regulated, since they provide slave labor wages by exploiting people who have had there background checks forever smeared.

Then, shut down the southern border, and send all illegal immigrants home, thereby creating a smaller labor pool, and allowing supply and demand to enhance wages.

Then, more tightly regulate imports, which seem nice, but also undercut out labor system, usually by countries who are supporting their industry with slave labor, or direct involvement.

And, finally, the best way to remove "W" Bush from office, is to recognize sedition for what it is, and let impeachment proceedings begin.

Yes, the system is broken, and we are in far deeper trouble than most are yet to realize...but they will.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Gallery Of Galleries!

What's up ya'll?

Here today I feature my own Photo Gallery.

My Gallery is entitled: The Gallery Of Galleries!

A little pretensious perhaps, but, there's a lot there, and I think I do a pretty good job.

Most of the gallery shots are of Huntsville events, but, some are just for the sake of taking a neat picture.

And, owing to the idea that I do a pretty good job on the Huntsville events shots, you should be able to find some good stuff there too.

If you're from Huntsville, and participated in any of the events that I have photographed, and then if you look closely enough, you just might find yourself in amoung the crowd. If you don't, and your'e interested, I have hundreds more that aren't posted, and for a moderate fee, I will be happy to look through my archives for whatever it is you may be looking for (from the events otherwise posted). Follow the instructions as per purchases, located in the bottom left of the screen.

One special note: I use a full screen command for this presentation, but you can easily close using the provided button the navigation column.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Hello Dude

What's up ya'll?

Just here for a little bit today, the weather is nice outside, and times a wastin'.

Hello to Kevin Barbieux in Nashville who still hasn't got a job.
The Homeless Guy

Doggit man, GET A JOB! and get yourself on up outta there!

Poor ole' Kevin is homeless and makes his occupation serving up blogs on this service telling folks about his troubles and exploits.

To his credit, he's learned a lot of English since he started. He can spell and formulate sentences much better than when he began. I knew he was capable of learning. Just knit it all together ole boy and before long you'll be selling baygirls too!

Ha, ha.

Be sure to visit the regular site:

Later on,

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Spread of Neo-Nazism

Hello, My weekly column today deals with the spread of Neo-Nazism in Huntsville government, and so while Huntsville is a specific local, it may very well interest some of the readers around the nation and world. Kudos to Ted Turner, who while not always my favorite individual is likely well tuned to the reality of the modern world. --JC

Monday, January 24, 2005

Hogg Bloggin' Jim

Well, I've finally succumbed to the template powered blog that so many others have found to be their most desired form of Internet gratification. Why am I here? Well, not really to run a blog in the conventional sense of other bloggers on the Internet and on this service, but rather, to set a snare, a net on the net, if you will, to entice and lure you to my regular website hosted by an Independent service. On this post, at least as I think out loud on invisible ink and paper, I suppose I will present posts that are related to my regular site that are national or International in scope. I assume that most who might visit this post will be from somewhere other than Huntsville, Alabama, USA, and most probably wouldn't be interested in most of what goes on in Rocket Racket USA. Still, if you are then I appreciate your visit to either site, and maybe you can find some interesting comments and proffer some feedback of your own. Thanks Jim Also:

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