Monday, January 24, 2005

Hogg Bloggin' Jim

Well, I've finally succumbed to the template powered blog that so many others have found to be their most desired form of Internet gratification. Why am I here? Well, not really to run a blog in the conventional sense of other bloggers on the Internet and on this service, but rather, to set a snare, a net on the net, if you will, to entice and lure you to my regular website hosted by an Independent service. On this post, at least as I think out loud on invisible ink and paper, I suppose I will present posts that are related to my regular site that are national or International in scope. I assume that most who might visit this post will be from somewhere other than Huntsville, Alabama, USA, and most probably wouldn't be interested in most of what goes on in Rocket Racket USA. Still, if you are then I appreciate your visit to either site, and maybe you can find some interesting comments and proffer some feedback of your own. Thanks Jim Also:

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    This is me, but then you can see that. If you tried to make a comment yesterday and couldn't, it was because I had the settings wrong, and now you can say most anything you like. No profanity please.



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